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 Fit 2 Fly is a unique custom built digital health platform to replace the manual paper based medical clearance process for airlines, doctors, hospitals and customers. Using clinical logic based on IATA Aviation Medicine guidelines. Our team have taken over 20 years of aviation medicine and airline experience to create this one stop solution for airline medical clearances.

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Over 50% of airline medical clearances require additional information and can take between 24 hours to 7 days to approve. Fit2Fly will provide you with a one stop solution to allow you to manage medical clearances efficiently. Fully HIPAA and GDPR compliant. We manage the data and privacy compliance for your airline protecting your customers data.

Healthcare Professionals

Our platform is designed with you in mind. Saving time on completing multiple airline forms and being asked to provide additional information from airlines is now all in the past. Our software will provide you with a unique login once credentialed you will be able to access and complete one form for all airlines


Forget paper based medical clearances, Fit 2 Fly will allow your doctor to complete an online questionnaire and give you an approval* for your fitness to fly. In most instances you will receive a confirmation of fitness to travel from a medical perspective at the time of form completion. No more waiting for the airline to review and approve. Making your journey stress free.

A one-stop, simple solution for all airline medical clearance needs


Each Airline

Our Testimonials

What They Say

Highly regarded aviation industry experts and change managers providing professional guidance, innovative solutions, practical training and support to reduce risk, improve safety and well-being and deliver superior outcomes to the airline industry. 

CCIM Start Ups 2024

Highly regarded aviation industry experts and change managers providing professional guidance, innovative solutions, practical training and support to reduce risk, improve safety and well-being and deliver superior outcomes to the airline industry. 

CCIM Start Ups 2024


Highly regarded aviation industry experts and change managers providing professional guidance, innovative solutions, practical training and support to reduce risk, improve safety and well-being and deliver superior outcomes to the airline industry. 

CCIM Start Ups 2024

The problem and the solution

Watch our video to view the end to end process and how we plan to simplify and digitise medical clearances for airlines.


Who we work with!


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Whitney's Mission: Streamlining Airline Medical Clearances & Revolu...